Sunday, March 27, 2011

the raptors

so the blessed day of november 28th finally rolled around and the twins were officially in nursery! did you know there's classes for adults the other two hours of church? i had completely forgotten! so with some apprehension for the nursery leaders we dropped of the twins and pretty much bolted from the room. they escaped the first day and were soon labeled "the climbing monkeys." it's been four months and the cute nicknames has been changed, crew and kade are now called "the raptors." you know those velociraptors in jurassic park- the ones who solely focus on destroying? Turn up your sound because the narrative is classic!

yup, thats what are boys are named after. or maybe it's because they double team against the leaders to create mischief. either way the leaders are requesting the twins be separated into different nurseries. i'm a little torn on the matter, i kinda feel validated on the fact that my kids are crazy, but sad that the crew and kade will be separated from one another (and especially sad for the one who has to go in a new nursery all alone.) im also concerned if my kids are the one's putting the leaders over the edge of sanity in a two-hour time period. so in a couple weeks the test run will begin, but till then i kind of dread the day of separating these two little guys.

is the thought of separating them not sad? i mean look how they sleep!

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