Monday, January 16, 2012

going foreign

this year in preschool brody has a spanish unit once a week, and he is absolutely loving it!  for some reason it's super entertaining to watch such a blonde little boy say so many words in espanol!  here's some video of his counting:
here's another video of him talking about colors:
he really likes to get the pronunciation and accent just right (he'll correct you if you're off), so it seems he's  really trying to go bilingual, maybe he has a desire to go foreign on his mission one day, of course he may take to spanish and then get called somewhere entirely different and need to learn two completely foreign languages- it's been known to happen before.


wendipooh13 said...

very cute!!! love the Blanco!!!

Kristine said...

RRRRRRRRojo, AAAAZul! So funny and yes Blanco too! That kid is just too cute! So animated, I love it!

Anonymous said...

My grandson is so brillant!! Aren't they all!! Luv Mum

Caroline said...

Such a cute smarty pants!!