Monday, August 31, 2009


Ok, I know I've only been a mom for a couple years, so I'm not quite the seasoned professional I one day hope to be. However, in some situations I just have to stop and ask myself: "How did I NOT see that coming?" Today I gave Brody some water to wash his magnetic alphabet letters with, thinking this was a great way for him to unleash some energy and get some toys clean. But as usual, things went way differently than planned:

Things seem fun, and non problematic.
Brody, king of pouring and transferring objects from one bowl to another, obviously found a better way to have fun!
So probably everyone, except me, would have seen that watery disaster coming. Of course while cleaning up the water, I couldn't really blame him for pouring two bowls of water all over the table, chairs and floor. I mean hello! He LOVES to pour stuff! Oh well, it's just soapy water, so I guess at least part of our house will be cleaner! Hmm.. maybe I should put him to "work" in other parts of the house too!

1 comment:

Kristine said...

I pretty much stay away from all water inside, even the actual bathtub seems to be to much of a temptation to keep the water inside.