Tuesday, July 29, 2008

unfortunately all in a day

There are days when by the time Justin comes home I have reached my max. And then there are days, like today, that max you out just hours after you've climbed out of bed. Today included:
a teething baby (that's a reoccurring one all day)
an ant infestation (I actually just cleaned last night, go figure)
re-cleaning the house
food tantrums from Brody who won't eat
having yogurt smeared on my shirt right after I got dressed
finally getting Brody to sleep and maybe a full minute later
an EARTHQUAKE shakes him awake and freaks me out (I HATE them!)
not being able to get a hold of Justin until an hour after the earthquake had passed
Body waking up and hour and a half early from his nap
Brody climbing out of him crib and falling to the floor before I could get him(a new development)
the dvr recorded extended news coverage instead of one of my shows
another food tantrum
Brody climbing under the table and standing up, bumping his head
spilling water on my ipod.

Ok so individually not that bad, but in a seven hour period, it's a bit much, at least for me. Anywho, we went on a walk in the afternoon and everything seemed to calm down after that. Our last hour before Justin came home was pretty fun, so maybe the day will balance out after all. Hopefully I'm not alone in having totally stressed out-patience exhausting days! Now.. where's the chocolate?!


Elissa said...

Kim, I know how you feel. There are some rough days, but this too shall pass. :)

Bryan, Rachel, Ben and Tyler Nichols said...

Kim are you guys okay after the earthquake? Today I chipped my tooth somehow eating a peanut butter and banana sandwich and had to go to the dentist. I thought about Justin and how he fixes all those lovely dental problems. Is he going to specialize in a certain area, or general?